世上的光與鹽 salt and light of the world

Some friends look at Trump’s win as a revival of a Christian nation. America is not a Christian nation. It is a nation historically influenced by christianity. This is not our new heaven and earth. Don’t misplace our hope. Long for the return of Christ, not looking to Donald Trump and any one else as Savior and Lord. We are nevertheless called to be the salt and light of the world, we have work to do while here, for his glory. According to the Bible, we are in the world, but not of this world (John 17). This tension will continue to exist until Christ returns.

有朋友誤以為川普之勝利是美國作為基督教國家的復興。但美國不是“基督教”國家。她不過是歷史上深受基督教文明影響的國家。這裡不是我們的新天新地。別錯置我們的盼望。我們的盼望是基督再臨,別把川普或任何政客看作救主。但我們畢竟是世上的光與鹽,要繼續努力,為祂的榮耀。聖經教導,我們在世界中,卻不屬於這世界 (约17)。這張力將持久存在,直到基督再來的日子。

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